421880-Prestige Big Parakeets 1kg
Versele Laga Prestige Big Parakeet Breeding is a breeding mixture with a
variety of sunflower seeds and Japanese Millet which has an extra High
quantity of protein. Brings your birds into excellent breeding condition.
Fructo-oligosaccharides (Florastimul) is a non-digestive element which
supports health by stimulating favourable bacteria in the intestine:
Cactobacilli & Bifidus. These two slow down pathogenic Coli & Salmonella.
Birds are very sensitive to bacterial intestinal infections so this improved
protection can help birds thrive.
Yellow millet 18%, Canary seed 17%, Peeled oats 11%, Buckwheat 8%,
Cardy 7%, Striped sunflower seeds 5%, White sunflower seeds 5%,
Hempseed 5%, Red millet 5%, Japanese millet 4%, Niger seed 4%, Paddy
rice 3%, White millet 3%, Oats 2%, Linseed 2% & Wheat 1%
SKU: VL421880Categories: Birds, Food-Versele-Laga-Birds, Nuts,Seeds
& Mixes-Food-Versele-Laga-Birds, Versele-Laga-
BirdsTags: Birds, Food, Nuts,Seeds-&-Mixes, Versele-Laga

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