

ropharma Opti Form- Dog

omplementary feed For Dogs. A wet nose, a wagging tail and a cheerful

ood are all signs that your dog is healthy. But sometimes your beloved

uadruped can be a bit sluggish or you get the feeling that it is not

eeling well. It can be that its resistance needs an extra push.

pti Form consists of High-quality natural brewer's yeast, a source of B

itamins, amino acids and minerals. The combination of B vitamins with

olic acid and zinc gives your dog a shiny coat and also improves its

ppetite and vitality.Opti Form is enriched with β-glucans that improve

esistance. Always useOpti Formin periods of debility, fatigue or

ecovery after illness of your faithful quadruped.Opti Form has been

nriched with MOS (mannan-oligosaccharides) to let your dog's

igestion function without any problems. The Opti Form tablets are very

asty and are therefore also suitable as a nice and healthy snack for your


irection For Use :-

Small dogs (< 10 kg adult weHight): 1 tablet per day.

Medium-sized dogs (10 to 20 kg adult weHight): 2 tablets per day.

Large dogs (> 20 kg adult weHight): 3 tablets per day.

nalytical Constituents :-

rotein 40 %

at content 0,8 %

rude ash 6 %

rude fiber 0,06 %

utritional additives :-

b8.10 - Organic form of selenium 0,32 mg/kg

produced by saccharomyces cerevisiae CNCM I-3060)

omposition :-

rewer´s yeast - Saccharomyces cerevisiae 88,5 %

beta;-glucans 3 %

annan-oligosaccharides (MOS) 1,5 %

acking :-

ot 100 tablets


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