ersele Laga Junior Plus I.C+ is a complete food for pigeons enriched with
he special Immunity Concept+ junior pellet. Junior Plus I.C.+ provides theerfect protein/energy balance that allows pigeons to grow and flourish intotrong adult pigeons whilst still being able to perform.nalytical constituentsrude protein 13.5%, Crude fat 6.5%, Crude fibre 6.5%, Crude ash 3%,arbohydrates 58.5%, Calcium 0.13%, Phosphorus 0.32%, Sodium 0.03%,ysine 0.55%, Methionine 0.28%, Cystine 0.22%, Threonine 0.43% &ryptophan 0.14%ompositionlate maize 3%, Red maize 4%, French cribs maize 5%, Small Frenchribs maize 8%, Toasted soya beans 2% Maple peas 3%, Dun peas 2%,mall green peas 7%, Tares 2%, White pigeon wheat 7%, Sudanese whiteari 8%, Red dari 6%, Safflower seed 10% White pigeon barley 11%,addy rice 12%, Peeled oats 2%, Brown linseed 2% & Junior pellet I.C.+%