12360-COL VITA 1 KG
olombine Vita is a food supplement for doves: it contains vitamins,
race elements and minerals in powder.ndispensable eSpecially during the period of baby. Appetizing.NDICATIONS:olombine Vita is indispensable: During the baby In the epoch of contests During the shed. For pigeons in growth.NSTRUCTIONS FOR USE:o administer all the year round. It can be given separately or also can be mixedy the fodder in the proportion of 5 soup spoonfuls by kg of fodder. To renewvery day.OMPOSITION: Calcium Phosphorus Sodium Magnesium Copper Chloride of hill Vitamins: To, D3, And, K3, B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, PPORMAT: Embase of 1 kg